Interface QueryHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:
Column, Database, MYSQL, Row, Table, User

public interface QueryHelper
  • Method Details

    • executeQuery

      default <T> List<T> executeQuery(String query, QueryHelper.ResultSetHandler<T> handler, MYSQL mysql)
      Executes a query on the database and returns the result.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the query result
      query - the SQL query to execute
      handler - the ResultSetHandler to process the query result
      mysql - the MYSQL object representing the database connection
      the processed query result, or null if an exception occurred
    • executeQuery

      default <T> List<T> executeQuery(String query, QueryHelper.ResultSetHandler<T> handler, MYSQL mysql, String database)
      Executes a query on the database and returns the result.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the query result
      query - the SQL query to execute
      handler - the ResultSetHandler to process the query result
      mysql - the MYSQL object representing the database connection
      the processed query result, or null if an exception occurred
    • executeUpdate

      default void executeUpdate(String query, MYSQL mysql)
      Executes an update query on the database.
      query - the SQL update query to execute
      mysql - the MYSQL object representing the database connection
    • executeUpdate

      default void executeUpdate(String query, MYSQL mysql, String database)
      Executes an update query on the database.
      query - the SQL update query to execute
      mysql - the MYSQL object representing the database connection