Class GHPackage

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpRequestInterface, JSONHelper

public class GHPackage extends ClassBase
This class represents a GitHub Package. It provides methods for fetching data about the package such as its name, package type, owner, version count, visibility, creation date, and update date.
  • Constructor Details

    • GHPackage

      public GHPackage(Github github, org.json.JSONObject jsonObject)
      Constructs a new GHPackage instance with the provided JSON object.
      jsonObject - the JSON object containing the package data
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the package.
      the name of the package
    • getUpdatedAt

      public String getUpdatedAt()
      Returns the update date of the package.
      the update date of the package
    • getCreatedAt

      public String getCreatedAt()
      Returns the creation date of the package.
      the creation date of the package
    • getOwner

      public GHUser getOwner()
      Returns the owner of the package.
      the owner of the package
    • getPackageType

      public String getPackageType()
      Returns the package type of the package.
      the package type of the package
    • getVersionCount

      public String getVersionCount()
      Returns the version count of the package.
      the version count of the package
    • getVisibility

      public String getVisibility()
      Returns the visibility of the package.
      the visibility of the package