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addEvent(String) - Method in class
Adds an event that triggers the webhook.
addFile() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Starts the process of adding a new file to this repository.
addFile(GHBranch) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Starts the process of adding a new file to the given branch of this repository.
addFile(GHBranch, String, String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Starts the process of adding a new file with the given path, content, and commit message to the given branch of this repository.
addLabel(String) - Method in class
Adds a label to the issue.
addMember(String, GHRole, List<Integer>) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Adds a member to the organization.
addPublicKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns a new GHPublicKeyBuilder instance associated with the user's GitHub instance.
addPublicKey(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns a new GHPublicKey instance with the provided title and key, associated with the user's GitHub instance.
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Represents an admin role.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
apply(JSONObject) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper.JSONToObject
Creates an object of type T from a JSON object.
assignee(String) - Method in class
Sets the assignee of the issue.


BILLING_MANAGER - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Represents a billing manager role.
build() - Method in class
Builds and returns a GHHook object.
build() - Method in class
Builds the project and returns a new GHProject instance.
build() - Method in class
Builds a new GHPublicKey instance with the set title and key.
build() - Method in class
Builds the team and returns a new GHTeam instance.


ClassBase - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases
ClassBase is a class that extends GHBase.
ClassBase(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Constructs a new ClassBase object.
close() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Closes the issue.
CLOSED - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
commit() - Method in class
Commits the file to the repository using the authenticated user's email and login as the committer's details.
commit(String, String) - Method in class
Commits the file to the repository.
CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType
create() - Method in class
Creates a new GHIssue instance based on the current state of the builder.
createHook() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Creates a hook in the organization.
createHttpURLConnection(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.factories.HttpURLConnectionFactory
Creates a new HttpURLConnection instance for the given URL.
createIssue(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Creates a new issue in this repository with the given title.
createProject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Creates a project in the organization.
createProject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Creates a project in the organization.
createProject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns a new GHProjectBuilder instance for creating a project in the organization.
createProject(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Creates a project in the organization.
createProject(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Creates a project in the organization.
createProject(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Creates a project in the organization with the provided name and body.
createTeam() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Creates a team in the organization.
createTeam(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Creates a team in the organization.


deleteActionsCache(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Deletes the actions cache with the given ID in this repository.
deleteActionsCache(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Deletes the actions cache with the given key in this repository.
deleteArtifact(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Deletes the artifact with the given ID in this repository.
deleteHook(Long) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Deletes a hook in the organization by its ID.
deletePublicKey(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Deletes the public key with the provided id.
deleteRepositoryFromSecret(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Deletes a repository from a specific secret in the organization by secret name and repository ID.
deleteSecret(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Deletes a specific secret in the organization by its name.
DIRECT_MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Represents a direct member role.
DOCKER - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType


EntityBase - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases
EntityBase is a class that extends ClassBase.
EntityBase(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Constructs a new EntityBase object.
extractNextPageUrl(String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Extracts the URL of the next page from the Link header.
extractNextPageUrl(String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Extracts the URL of the next page from the Link header.


fetchArrayData(String, String, Function<JSONObject, T>, String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Fetches array data from a given URL and maps the data to a list of objects of type T.
fetchArrayData(String, Function<JSONObject, T>, String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Fetches array data from a given endpoint and maps the data to a list of objects of type T.
fetchPaginatedData(String, String, Function<JSONObject, T>, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Fetches paginated data from a given URL and maps the data to a list of objects of type T.
fetchPaginatedData(String, Function<JSONObject, T>, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Fetches paginated data from a given endpoint and maps the data to a list of objects of type T.
fetchPaginatedData(String, Function<JSONObject, T>, String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Fetches paginated data from a given endpoint and maps the data to a list of objects of type T.
findOrganisationByName(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Finds an organization by its name.
findRepositoryByName(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Finds a repository by its name within the organization.
findRepositoryByName(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Finds and returns a repository by its name for the current user.
findTeamByName(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Finds a team by its name within the organization.
findTeamBySlug(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Finds a team by its slug within the organization.
findUserByName(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Finds a user by their username.
followUser(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Follows the user with the provided username.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.LogFormatter
This method formats the log record as per the custom format.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
Returns the GHState that corresponds to the specified string.


getActiveCachesCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHRepositoryCache
Returns the active caches count of the repository cache.
getActiveCachesSizeInBytes() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHRepositoryCache
Returns the active caches size in bytes of the repository cache.
getActiveLockReason() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the reason for locking the pull request.
getActiveLockReason() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the reason for the issue being locked.
getActor() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the actor of the event.
getAllFilenames() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches all filenames in this repository.
getArchivedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the date and time when the organization was archived.
getArchiveDownloadUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the archive download url of the artifact.
getArchiveUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching the archive of this repository.
getArrayOrNull(JSONObject, String, JSONHelper.JSONToObject<T>) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns a list of objects of type T, created from a JSON array in the JSON object using the provided factory method.
getArtifact(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the artifact with the given ID in this repository.
getAssignee() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the assignee of the pull request.
getAssignee() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the user assigned to the issue.
getAssignees() - Method in class
getAssignees() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the list of assignees of the pull request.
getAssignees() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the users assigned to the issue.
getAssigneesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching assignees in this repository.
getAuthorAssociation() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the author association of the pull request.
getAuthorAssociation() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the author association of the issue.
getAutoMerge() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the auto merge setting of the pull request.
getAvatarUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Returns the avatarUrl of this EntityBase object.
getBaseUrl() - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Returns the base URL for the GitHub API.
getBillingEmail() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the billing email of the organization.
getBlobsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching blobs in this repository.
getBlockedUsers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns the users blocked by the user.
getBlog() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the blog URL of the organization.
getBody() - Method in class
getBody() - Method in class
Returns the body of the project.
getBody() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the body of this GHProject object.
getBody() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the body content of the pull request.
getBody() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the body of the issue.
getBooleanOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the boolean value of the specified key in the JSON object, or false if the key is not present.
getBranch() - Method in class
Returns the branch where this file will be committed.
getBranches() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the branches of this repository.
getBranchesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching the branches of this repository.
getCache() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the cache of this repository.
getCacheUsageActiveCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the total active cache usage count for the organization.
getCacheUsageSizeInBytes() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the total active cache usage size in bytes for the organization.
getCheckRunUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the URL for the check run associated with the workflow job.
getCloneUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the clone URL of this repository.
getClosedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the closing date and time of the pull request.
getClosedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the date and time when the issue was closed.
getClosedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the date and time when the milestone was closed.
getClosedIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the number of closed issues in the milestone.
getCname() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the CNAME for the GitHub Pages site.
getCollaborators() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of collaborators in the organization.
getCollaboratorsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching collaborators of this repository.
getColor() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the color of the label.
getColumnsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the columnsUrl of this GHProject object.
getComments() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the number of comments on the issue.
getCommentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching comments on the pull request.
getCommentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the URL of the issue comments.
getCommentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching comments in this repository.
getCommitSha() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Returns the commit SHA.
getCommitsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching commits on the pull request.
getCommitsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching commits in this repository.
getCommitUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Returns the commit URL.
getCompany() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the company associated with the organization.
getCompareUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for comparing commits in this repository.
getCompletedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the completion time of the step.
getCompletedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the completion time of the workflow job.
getConclusion() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the conclusion of the step.
getConclusion() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the conclusion of the workflow job.
getConfig() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the config of the hook.
getConfigContentType() - Method in class
Returns the content type for the webhook config.
getConfigInsecureSSL() - Method in class
Returns whether SSL verification is enabled for the webhook config.
getConfigPassword() - Method in class
Returns the password for the webhook config.
getConfigSecret() - Method in class
Returns the secret for the webhook config.
getConfigURL() - Method in class
Returns the URL for the webhook config.
getConfigUsername() - Method in class
Returns the username for the webhook config.
getContent() - Method in class
Returns the content of the file to be committed.
getContent() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the content of the file.
getContentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching contents of this repository.
getContributions() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the number of contributions made by this user.
getContributors() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the contributors of this repository.
getContributorsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching contributors to this repository.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the creation date of the actions cache.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the creation date of the alert.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the creation date of the artifact.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the creation date of the event.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the creation date of the hook.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the creation date and time of the organization.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the creation date of the package.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the createdAt time of this GHProject object.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the creation date and time of the pull request.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Returns the creation date and time of the secret.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the members count of the team.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the date and time when the variable was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the date and time when the issue was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the date and time when the milestone was created.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the date and time when this repository was created.
getCreator() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the creator of this GHProject object.
getCreator() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the user who created the milestone.
getCredits() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the credits for the advisory.
getCveId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the CVE ID of the advisory.
getCvss() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) data of the advisory.
getCwes() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the CWEs (Common Weakness Enumerations) of the advisory.
getDefaultBranch() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the default branch of this repository.
getDefaultRepositoryPermission() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the default repository permission for the organization.
getDeliveriesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the deliveries url of the hook.
getDeploymentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching deployments in this repository.
getDescription() - Method in class
Returns the description of the team.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the description of the advisory.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the description of the organization.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the description of the team.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.HttpsCertificate
Returns the description of the certificate.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the description of the label.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the description of the milestone.
getDescription() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the description of this repository.
getDiffUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching the diff of the pull request.
getDirectoryContent(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the content of the directory at the given path in this repository.
getDirectoryContentWithFileContent(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the content of the directory at the given path in this repository, including the content of each file.
getDiskUsage() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the disk usage of the organization.
getDomains() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.HttpsCertificate
Returns the domains of the certificate.
getDownloadsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching downloads in this repository.
getDownloadUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the download URL of the file.
getDueOn() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the due date of the milestone.
getEmail() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the email of the organization.
getEmail() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns the email of the user.
getEnvironmentPublicKey(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the public key of the given environment in this repository.
getEnvironmentSecret(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the secret with the given name in the specified environment.
getEnvironmentVariable(String, String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the variable with the given name in the specified environment.
getEvents() - Method in class
Returns the list of events that trigger the webhook.
getEvents() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the events of the hook.
getEventsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Returns the eventsUrl of this ClassBase object.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the expiry date of the artifact.
getExpiresAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.HttpsCertificate
Returns the expiration date of the certificate.
getFilledSeats() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns the number of filled seats of the plan.
getFirstPatchedVersion() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVulnerability
Returns the first patched version of the vulnerability.
getFollowers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of followers of the organization.
getFollowers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Fetches and returns a list of users who are followers of the current user.
getFollowersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the followers of this user.
getFollowing() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of following of the organization.
getFollowing() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Fetches and returns a list of users who the current user is following.
getFollowingUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the users followed by this user.
getForks() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of forks of this repository.
getForksCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of forks of this repository.
getForksUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching forks of this repository.
getFullName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHRepositoryCache
Returns the full name of the repository cache.
getFullName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the full name of this repository.
getGhPackage() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVulnerability
Returns the package of the vulnerability.
getGhsaId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the GHSA ID of the advisory.
getGistsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the gists of this user.
getGitCommitsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching git commits in this repository.
getGithub() - Method in class
Returns the GitHub instance associated with this file builder.
getGithub() - Method in class
Returns the GitHub instance.
getGithub() - Method in class
getGithub() - Method in class
Returns the GitHub instance.
getGithub() - Method in class
Returns the GitHub instance associated with this public key builder.
getGithub() - Method in class
Returns the GitHub instance.
getGithub() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the GitHub instance associated with the alert.
getGithub() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the GitHub instance associated with this organization.
getGithub() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the GitHub instance associated with this file.
getGithubReviewedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the GitHub review date and time of the advisory.
getGitignoreTemplate(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Gets a gitignore template by its name.
getGitRefsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching git references in this repository.
getGitTagsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching git tags in this repository.
getGitUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the Git URL of the file.
getGitUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the git URL of this repository.
getGivenName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the given name of the organization.
getGlobalAdvisories(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Gets a global advisory by its ID.
getGravatarId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the gravatar ID of this user.
getHeadBranch() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the head branch of the workflow job.
getHeadBranch() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Returns the name of the head branch of the workflow run.
getHeadRepositoryId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Returns the id of the head repository of the workflow run.
getHeadSha() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the head SHA of the workflow job.
getHeadSha() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Returns the SHA of the head commit of the workflow run.
getHomepage() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the homepage URL of this repository.
getHook(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a specific hook in the organization by its ID.
getHook(Long) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a specific hook in the organization by its ID.
getHooks() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of hooks in the organization.
getHooksUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the URL for fetching hooks of the organization.
getHooksUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching hooks in this repository.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Returns the htmlUrl of this ClassBase object.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the HTML URL of the advisory.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the html url of the alert.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the HTML URL of the GitHub Pages site.
getHtmlUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the HTML URL of the file.
getHttpsCertificate() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the HTTPS certificate information for the GitHub Pages site.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Returns the id of this ClassBase object.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the id of the actions cache.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the ID of the advisory.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the id of the event.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the id of the hook.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Returns the id of the workflow run.
getId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the ID of the label.
getIdentifiers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the identifiers of the advisory.
getIntOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the integer value of the specified key in the JSON object, or 0 if the key is not present.
getIssueById(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the issue with the given ID in this repository.
getIssueCommentUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching issue comments in this repository.
getIssueEventsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching issue events in this repository.
getIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the issues of this repository with the given state.
getIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns the issues of the user.
getIssuesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the URL for fetching issues of the organization.
getIssuesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching issues in this repository.
getIssueUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL of the issue associated with the pull request.
getJobFromWorkflowRun(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the workflow job with the given ID in this repository.
getJSONArrayToStringList(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns a list of strings from a JSON array in the JSON object.
getJSONObjectOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the JSON object value of the specified key in the JSON object, or null if the key is not present.
getKey() - Method in class
Returns the key of the public key.
getKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the key of the actions cache.
getKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPublicKey
Returns the key of the public key.
getKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Returns the key of the license.
getKeyId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPublicKey
Returns the key id of the public key.
getKeysUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching keys in this repository.
getLabels() - Method in class
getLabels() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the list of labels associated with the pull request.
getLabels() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the list of labels associated with the workflow job.
getLabels() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the labels of the issue.
getLabelsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the URL of the issue labels.
getLabelsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the URL of the milestone labels.
getLabelsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching labels in this repository.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the primary programming language used in this repository.
getLanguagesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching languages used in this repository.
getLastAccessedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the last accessed date of the actions cache.
getLicense() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the license associated with this repository.
getLocalDateOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the OffsetDateTime value of the specified key in the JSON object, or null if the key is not present.
getLocation() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the location of the organization.
getLocationsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the locations url of the alert.
getLogger() - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
getLogin() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Returns the login of this EntityBase object.
getLongOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the long value of the specified key in the JSON object, or 0 if the key is not present.
getMaintainers() - Method in class
Returns the maintainers of the team.
getMembersAllowedRepositoryCreationType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the allowed repository creation type for members of the organization.
getMembersCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the members count of the team.
getMembersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the URL for fetching members of the organization.
getMembersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the members URL of the team.
getMergeCommitSha() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the merge commit SHA of the pull request.
getMergedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the merging date and time of the pull request.
getMergesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching merges in this repository.
getMessage() - Method in class
Returns the commit message for the file commit.
getMilestone() - Method in class
getMilestone() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the milestone associated with the pull request.
getMilestone() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the milestone of the issue.
getMilestonesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching milestones in this repository.
getMirrorUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the mirror URL of this repository.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the webhook.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the project.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the team.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the name of the artifact.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHGitignoreTemplate
Returns the name of the gitignore template.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the name of the hook.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the name of the organization.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the name of the package.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns the name of the plan.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the name of this GHProject object.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Returns the name of the secret.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the name of the step.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the name of the team.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the name of the variable.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the name of the workflow job.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Returns the branch name.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the name of the file.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the name of the label.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Returns the name of the license.
getName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the name of this repository.
getNodeId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Returns the nodeId of this ClassBase object.
getNodeId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the node ID of the label.
getNodeId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Returns the node ID of the license.
getNotificationSetting() - Method in class
Returns the notification setting of the team.
getNotificationSetting() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the notification setting of the team.
getNotificationsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching notifications in this repository.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the number of the alert.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the number of this GHProject object.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the number of the pull request.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the step number.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the issue number.
getNumber() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the number of the milestone.
getNvdPublishedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the NVD (National Vulnerability Database) publication date and time of the advisory.
getOpenIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the number of open issues in the milestone.
getOpenIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of open issues in this repository.
getOpenIssuesCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of open issues in this repository.
getOrganisation(Github, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Fetches a GitHub organization by its name.
getOrganizationPermission() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the organizationPermission of this GHProject object.
getOrganizationsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the organizations of this user.
getOwnedPrivateRepos() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of owned private repositories in the organization.
getOwner() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the owner of the package.
getOwner() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the owner of this repository.
getOwnerUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the ownerUrl of this GHProject object.
getPackage(String, GHPackageType) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a specific package in the organization by its name and package type.
getPackageType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the package type of the package.
getParent() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the parent team of the team.
getParentTeamId() - Method in class
Returns the parent team id of the team.
getPatchUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching the patch of the pull request.
getPath() - Method in class
Returns the path where the file will be committed.
getPath() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the path of the file.
getPayload() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the payload of the event.
getPendingDomainUnverifiedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the date and time when the domain was pending verification.
getPerformedViaGithubApp() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the app via which the issue was performed.
getPermission() - Method in class
Returns the permission of the team.
getPermission() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the permission of the team.
getPermissions() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the permissions associated with this repository.
getPingUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the ping url of the hook.
getPlan() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the plan associated with the organization.
getPrivacy() - Method in class
Returns the privacy of the team.
getPrivacy() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the privacy of the team.
getPrivateGists() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of private gists in the organization.
getPrivateRepos() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns the number of private repositories of the plan.
getProtectedDomainState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the protected domain state of the GitHub Pages site.
getPublicGists() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of public gists of the organization.
getPublicKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the public key for secrets in the organization.
getPublicKey() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the public key of this repository.
getPublicKey(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns the public key with the provided id.
getPublicKeys() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Fetches and returns a list of public keys associated with the current user.
getPublicMembersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the URL for fetching public members of the organization.
getPublicRepos() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the number of public repositories of the organization.
getPublishedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the publication date and time of the advisory.
getPullRequests() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of pull requests in the organization.
getPullsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching pull requests in this repository.
getPushedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the date and time when this repository was last pushed to.
getPushProtectionBypassedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the date when the push protection was bypassed for the alert.
getPushProtectionBypassedBy() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the user who bypassed the push protection of the alert.
getReceivedEventsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the events received by this user.
getRef() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the ref of the actions cache.
getReferences() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the references of the advisory.
getReleasesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching releases in this repository.
getRepo() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the repo of the event.
getRepoNames() - Method in class
Returns the repo names of the team.
getReposCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the repos count of the team.
getRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of repositories within the organization.
getRepositoriesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the repositories URL of the team.
getRepository() - Method in class
Returns the repository where this file will be committed.
getRepository() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the repository of the alert.
getRepository() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the GHRepository instance associated with this file.
getRepository(Github, String, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches and returns a GitHub repository based on the provided owner and name.
getRepositoryAdvisoryUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the repository advisory URL.
getRepositoryId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Returns the id of the repository of the workflow run.
getRepositorysWithOpenPullRequests() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of repositories with open pull requests in the organization.
getRepositoryUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the URL of the repository where the issue is located.
getReposUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Returns the reposUrl of this EntityBase object.
getRequestedReviewers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the list of users requested for review of the pull request.
getRequestedTeams() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the list of teams requested for review of the pull request.
getResolution() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the resolution of the alert.
getResolutionComment() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the resolution comment of the alert.
getResolvedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the date when the alert was resolved.
getResolvedBy() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the user who resolved the alert.
getReviewCommentsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching review comments on the pull request.
getReviewCommentUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching a specific review comment on the pull request.
getRunId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the run ID of the workflow job.
getRunnerGroupId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the runner group ID of the workflow job.
getRunnerGroupName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the runner group name of the workflow job.
getRunnerId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the runner ID of the workflow job.
getRunnerName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the runner name of the workflow job.
getRunUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the run URL of the workflow job.
getSeats() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns the number of seats of the plan.
getSecret() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the secret of the alert.
getSecret(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a specific secret in the organization by its name.
getSecret(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the secret with the given name in this repository.
getSecretScanningPushProtectionCustomLink() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the custom link for secret scanning push protection.
getSecretType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the secret type of the alert.
getSecretTypeDisplayName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the display name of the secret type of the alert.
getSelectedRepositoriesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Returns the URL of the selected repositories for this secret.
getSelectedRepositoriesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the URL of the selected repositories for this variable.
getSelfUser() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Lists all user advisories.
getSelfUser(Github) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns the GitHub user associated with the provided GitHub instance.
getSeverity() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the severity of the advisory.
getSha() - Method in class
Returns the SHA of the file to be committed.
getSha() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the SHA of the file.
getSize() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the size of the file.
getSize() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the size of this repository.
getSizeInBytes() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the size in bytes of the actions cache.
getSizeInBytes() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the size in bytes of the artifact.
getSlug() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the slug of the team.
getSource() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHGitignoreTemplate
Returns the source of the gitignore template.
getSource() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the source configuration for the GitHub Pages site.
getSourceCodeLocation() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the source code location of the advisory.
getSpace() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns the space of the plan.
getSpdxId() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Returns the SPDX ID of the license.
getSshUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the SSH URL of this repository.
getStargazersCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of stargazers for this repository.
getStargazersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching stargazers of this repository.
getStarredUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the repositories starred by this user.
getStartedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the start time of the step.
getStartedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the start time of the workflow job.
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the state of the alert.
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the state of this GHProject object.
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the state of the pull request.
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.HttpsCertificate
Returns the state of the certificate.
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the state of the issue.
getState() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the state of the milestone.
getStateReason() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the reason for the state of the issue.
getStatus() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the status of the GitHub Pages site.
getStatus() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Returns the status of the step.
getStatus() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the status of the workflow job.
getStatusesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the URL for fetching statuses of the pull request.
getStatusesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching statuses in this repository.
getSteps() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the list of steps in the workflow job.
getStringOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.JSONHelper
Returns the string value of the specified key in the JSON object, or null if the key is not present.
getSubscribersUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching subscribers of this repository.
getSubscriptionsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns the URL for fetching the subscriptions of this user.
getSubscriptionUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for subscribing to this repository.
getSummary() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the summary of the advisory.
getSvnUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the SVN URL of this repository.
getTagsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching tags in this repository.
getTeamByName(Github, String, GHOrganisation) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns a GHTeam instance by team name.
getTeams() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of teams within the organization.
getTeamsUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching teams associated with this repository.
getTimelineUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the URL of the issue timeline.
getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title of the issue.
getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the title of the public key.
getTitle() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the title of the pull request.
getTitle() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the title of the issue.
getTitle() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the title of the milestone.
getToken() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Returns the GitHub token.
getTopics() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the list of topics associated with this repository.
getTotalPrivateRepos() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the total number of private repositories in the organization.
getTreesUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the URL for fetching trees in this repository.
getTwitterUsername() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the Twitter username of the organization.
getType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Returns the type of this EntityBase object.
getType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the type of the advisory.
getType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns the type of the event.
getType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the type of the hook.
getType() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the type of the file.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the last updated date and time of the advisory.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the update date of the artifact.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the update date of the hook.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns the last updated date and time of the organization.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the update date of the package.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the updatedAt time of this GHProject object.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the last updated date and time of the pull request.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Returns the last updated date and time of the secret.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Returns the repos count of the team.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the date and time when the variable was last updated.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the date and time when the issue was last updated.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Returns the date and time when the milestone was last updated.
getUpdatedAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the date and time when this repository was last updated.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Returns the url of this ClassBase object.
getUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL for the webhook.
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL.
getUrl() - Method in class
Returns the URL.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the URL of the advisory.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the url of the alert.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns the url of the hook.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns the URL of the GitHub Pages site.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Returns the URL of the file.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns the URL of the label.
getUrl() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Returns the URL of the license.
getUser() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns the user who created the pull request.
getUser() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns the user who created the issue.
getUser(Github, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Fetches a GitHub user by their username.
getUsername() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Returns the login of this EntityBase object.
getValidity() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the validity of the alert.
getValue() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the value of the variable.
getVariable(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a specific variable in the organization by its name.
getVariable(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the variable with the given name in this repository.
getVersion() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Returns the version of the actions cache.
getVersionCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the version count of the package.
getVisibility() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Returns the visibility of the package.
getVisibility() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Returns the visibility of the secret.
getVisibility() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Returns the visibility of the variable.
getVisibility() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the visibility of this repository.
getVulnerabilities() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the vulnerabilities associated with the advisory.
getVulnerableFunctions() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVulnerability
Returns the vulnerable functions of the vulnerability.
getVulnerableVersionRange() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVulnerability
Returns the vulnerable version range of the vulnerability.
getWatchers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of watchers of this repository.
getWatchersCount() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns the number of watchers in this repository.
getWithdrawnAt() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Returns the withdrawal date and time of the advisory.
getWorkflowName() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Returns the workflow name of the workflow job.
getWorkflowRun() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the workflow run of the artifact.
getWorkflowRun(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the workflow run with the given ID in this repository.
GHActionsCache - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Actions Cache.
GHActionsCache(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHActionsCache
Constructs a new GHActionsCache instance with the provided JSON object.
GHAdvisory - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub Security Advisory.
GHAdvisory(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAdvisory
Constructs a new GHAdvisory instance with the provided JSON object.
GHAlert - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Alert.
GHAlert(JSONObject, Github) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Constructs a new GHAlert instance with the provided JSON object and GitHub instance.
GHArtifact - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Artifact.
GHArtifact(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Constructs a new GHArtifact instance with the provided JSON object.
GHBase - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases
GHBase is a class that implements JSONHelper and HttpRequestInterface.
GHBase() - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
GHBranch - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub branch.
GHBranch(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Constructs a new GHBranch instance with the provided JSON object.
GHEvent - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Event.
GHEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Constructs a new GHEvent instance with the provided JSON object.
GHFile - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub file.
GHFile(Github, JSONObject, GHRepository) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Constructs a new GHFile instance with the provided JSON object.
GHFileBuilder - Class in
GHFileBuilder is a class that extends GHBase.
GHFileBuilder(GHRepository, GHBranch, Github) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository and branch.
GHFileBuilder(GHRepository, GHBranch, String, String, String, Github) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object with all properties set.
GHFileBuilder(GHRepository, Github) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository.
GHFileBuilder(GHRepository, Github, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository, GitHub instance, and SHA.
GHGitignoreTemplate - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Gitignore Template.
GHGitignoreTemplate(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHGitignoreTemplate
Constructs a new GHGitignoreTemplate instance with the provided JSON object.
GHHook - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Hook.
GHHook(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Constructs a new GHHook instance with the provided JSON object.
GHHookBuilder - Class in
Builder class for creating GitHub webhooks.
GHHookBuilder(Github, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a GHHookBuilder.
GHIssue - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
Represents a GitHub issue.
GHIssue(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Constructs a GHIssue object from a JSONObject.
GHIssueBuilder - Class in
The GHIssueBuilder class is used to build and create GitHub issues.
GHIssueBuilder(Github, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHIssueBuilder instance with the specified GitHub instance and title.
GHIssueBuilder(Github, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHIssueBuilder instance with the specified GitHub instance, title, and body.
GHLabel - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub label.
GHLabel(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Constructs a new GHLabel instance with the provided JSON object.
GHLicense - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub license.
GHLicense(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
Constructs a new GHLicense instance with the provided JSON object.
GHMilestone - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub milestone.
GHMilestone(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
Constructs a new GHMilestone instance with the provided JSON object.
GHOrganisation - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub organization.
GHOrganisation(Github, JSONObject, String) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Constructs a new GHOrganisation instance with the provided GitHub instance, JSON object, and name.
GHPackage - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Package.
GHPackage(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPackage
Constructs a new GHPackage instance with the provided JSON object.
GHPackageType - Enum Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums
This enum represents the possible types of a GitHub package.
GHPages - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents the GitHub Pages configuration for a repository.
GHPages(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Constructs a new GHPages instance with the provided JSON object.
GHPermission - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents the permissions for a GitHub repository.
GHPermission(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Constructs a new GHPermission instance with the provided JSON object.
GHPlan - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Plan.
GHPlan(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Constructs a new GHPlan instance with the provided JSON object.
GHProject - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
GHProject is a class that extends ClassBase.
GHProject(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Constructs a new GHProject object.
GHProjectBuilder - Class in
This class is used to build a new GitHub project.
GHProjectBuilder(Github, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHProjectBuilder instance with the provided GitHub instance and URL.
GHPublicKey - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Public Key.
GHPublicKey(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPublicKey
Constructs a new GHPublicKey instance with the provided JSON object.
GHPublicKeyBuilder - Class in
This class is a builder for creating a new GHPublicKey instance.
GHPublicKeyBuilder(Github) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHPublicKeyBuilder instance with the provided GitHub instance.
GHPublicKeyBuilder(String, String, Github) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHPublicKeyBuilder instance with the provided title, key, and GitHub instance.
GHPullRequest - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub Pull Request.
GHPullRequest(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Constructs a new GHPullRequest instance with the provided JSON object.
GHRepository - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
This class represents a GitHub repository.
GHRepository(JSONObject, Github) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Constructs a new GHRepository instance with the provided JSON object and GitHub instance.
GHRepositoryCache - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Repository Cache.
GHRepositoryCache(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHRepositoryCache
Constructs a new GHRepositoryCache instance with the provided JSON object.
GHRole - Enum Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums
Enum representing the different roles a GitHub user can have.
GHSecret - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub secret.
GHSecret(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHSecret
Constructs a new GHSecret instance with the provided JSON object.
GHState - Enum Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums
This enum represents the possible states of a GitHub issue or pull request.
GHStep - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub Action workflow step.
GHStep(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHStep
Constructs a new GHStep instance with the provided JSON object.
GHTeam - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Team.
GHTeam(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
Constructs a new GHTeam instance with the provided JSON object.
GHTeamBuilder - Class in
This class is used to build a new GitHub team.
GHTeamBuilder(Github, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new GHTeamBuilder instance with the provided GitHub instance and URL.
GHUser - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub user.
GHUser(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Constructs a new GHUser instance with the provided JSON object.
GHVariable - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub variable.
GHVariable(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVariable
Constructs a new GHVariable instance with the provided JSON object.
GHVulnerability - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Vulnerability.
GHVulnerability(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHVulnerability
Constructs a new GHVulnerability instance with the provided JSON object.
GHWorkflowJob - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Represents a GitHub Workflow Job.
GHWorkflowJob(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowJob
Constructs a new GHWorkflowJob instance with the provided JSON object.
GHWorkflowRun - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents a GitHub Workflow Run.
GHWorkflowRun(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHWorkflowRun
Constructs a new GHWorkflowRun instance with the provided JSON object.
github - Variable in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Github - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi
This class represents the main entry point for interacting with the GitHub API.
Github(String) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Constructs a new GitHub instance with the provided username and token.


hasMember(GHUser) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Checks if a user is a member of the organization.
hasPublicMember(GHUser) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Checks if a user is a public member of the organization.
hasPullRequestsWithState(GHState) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Checks if this repository has any pull requests with the given state.
HttpRequestHelper - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities
This class provides helper methods for sending HTTP requests.
HttpRequestHelper() - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
HttpRequestInterface - Interface in io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces
This interface provides methods for sending HTTP requests.
HttpsCertificate - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
This class represents an HTTPS certificate.
HttpsCertificate(JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.HttpsCertificate
Constructs a new HttpsCertificate instance with the provided JSON object.
HttpURLConnectionFactory - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.factories
Factory class for creating HttpURLConnection instances.
HttpURLConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.factories.HttpURLConnectionFactory


io.github.coho04.githubapi - package io.github.coho04.githubapi
io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases - package
io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories
io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums
io.github.coho04.githubapi.factories - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.factories
io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces
io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities - package io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities
isActive() - Method in class
Returns whether the webhook is active.
isActive() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHHook
Returns whether the hook is active.
isAdmin() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Returns whether the admin permission is granted.
isAdvancedSecurityEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether advanced security is enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isAllowForking() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether forking is allowed for this repository.
isArchived() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository is archived.
isCustom404() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns whether a custom 404 page is used for the GitHub Pages site.
isDefault() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLabel
Returns whether the label is the default.
isDependabotAlertsEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether Dependabot alerts are enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isDependabotSecurityUpdatesEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether Dependabot security updates are enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isDependencyGraphEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether the dependency graph is enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isDisabled() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository is disabled.
isDraft() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns whether the pull request is in draft state.
isDraft() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns whether the issue is a draft.
isExpired() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHArtifact
Returns the expired status of the artifact.
isFork() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository is a fork.
isHasDiscussions() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has discussions enabled.
isHasDownloads() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has downloads enabled.
isHasIssues() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has issues enabled.
isHasOrganizationProjects() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether the organization has organization projects enabled.
isHasPages() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has GitHub Pages enabled.
isHasProjects() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has projects enabled.
isHasRepositoryProjects() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether the organization has repository projects enabled.
isHasWiki() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository has a wiki enabled.
isHttpsEnforced() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns whether HTTPS is enforced for the GitHub Pages site.
isLocked() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPullRequest
Returns whether the pull request is locked.
isLocked() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
Returns whether the issue is locked.
isMaintain() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Returns whether the maintain permission is granted.
isMembersCanCreateInternalRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create internal repositories in the organization.
isMembersCanCreatePages() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create pages in the organization.
isMembersCanCreatePrivatePages() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create private pages in the organization.
isMembersCanCreatePrivateRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create private repositories in the organization.
isMembersCanCreatePublicPages() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create public pages in the organization.
isMembersCanCreatePublicRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create public repositories in the organization.
isMembersCanCreateRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can create repositories in the organization.
isMembersCanForkPrivateRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether members can fork private repositories in the organization.
isPrivate() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHProject
Returns the isPrivate of this GHProject object.
isPrivate() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository is private.
isProtected() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Returns the branch protection status.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHEvent
Returns whether the event is public.
isPublic() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPages
Returns whether the GitHub Pages site is public.
isPull() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Returns whether the pull permission is granted.
isPush() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Returns whether the push permission is granted.
isPushProtectionBypassed() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHAlert
Returns the push protection bypassed status of the alert.
isSecretScanningEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether secret scanning is enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isSecretScanningPushProtectionCustomLinkEnabled() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether the custom link for secret scanning push protection is enabled.
isSecretScanningPushProtectionEnabledForNewRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether secret scanning push protection is enabled for new repositories in the organization.
isSecretScanningValidityChecksEnabled() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether secret scanning validity checks are enabled.
isSiteAdmin() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Returns whether this user is a site administrator.
isTemplate() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether this repository is a template repository.
isTriage() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPermission
Returns whether the triage permission is granted.
isTwoFactorRequirementEnabled() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether two-factor authentication is required for members of the organization.
isVerified() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether the organization is verified.
isWebCommitSignoffRequired() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns whether web commit signoff is required for the organization.
isWebCommitSignoffRequired() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Returns whether web commit signoff is required for this repository.


JSONHelper - Interface in io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces
This interface provides helper methods for working with JSON objects.
JSONHelper.JSONToObject<T> - Interface in io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces
This functional interface defines a method to create an object of type T from a JSON object.


listActionsCaches() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of actions caches in this repository.
listArtifacts() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of artifacts in this repository.
listCreatedRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns a list of repositories created by the user.
listDockerConflictsPackages() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of Docker conflict packages in the organization.
listEnvironmentSecrets(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of environment secrets in this repository.
listEnvironmentVariables(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of environment variables in the specified environment.
listEvents() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of events in the organization.
listEvents() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of events in this repository.
listGitignoreTemplates() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Lists all gitignore templates.
listGlobalAdvisories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.Github
Lists all global advisories.
listJobsForWorkflowAttempt(int, int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of jobs for the specified workflow attempt.
listJobsFromWorkflowRun(int) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of jobs in the specified workflow run.
listMembers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of members of the organization.
listOrganisationSecrets() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of organisation secrets in this repository.
listOrganisationVariables() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of organisation variables in this repository.
listOutsideCollaborators() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of outside collaborators of the organization.
listPackages(GHPackageType) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of packages in the organization filtered by package type.
listProjects() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of projects in the organization.
listPublicMembers() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of public members of the organization.
listPullRequests() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of pull requests in this repository.
listRepositories() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Fetches and returns a list of repositories owned by the current user.
listRepositoriesWithAccess() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Returns a list of repositories the user has access to.
listRepositoryCaches() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of repository caches in the organization.
listRepositorySecrets() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of repository secrets in this repository.
listRepositoryVariables() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Fetches the list of repository variables in this repository.
listSecretRepositorys() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of repositories associated with a specific secret in the organization.
listSecrets() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of secrets in the organization.
listSecretScanningAlerts() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of secret scanning alerts in the organization.
listTeams() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of teams within the organization.
listVariableRepositorys(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of repositories associated with a specific variable in the organization.
listVariables() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Returns a list of variables in the organization.
LogFormatter - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities
This class extends the Formatter class to provide a custom format for logging messages.
LogFormatter() - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.LogFormatter


MAVEN - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType


NPM - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType
NUGET - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType


OPEN - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState


REINSTATE - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Represents a reinstate role.
removeMember(GHUser) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Removes a member from the organization.
RUBYGEMS - Enum constant in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType


SelfUser - Class in io.github.coho04.githubapi
This class represents a GitHub user.
SelfUser(Github, JSONObject) - Constructor for class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Constructs a new GHUser instance with the provided JSON object.
sendDeleteRequest(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a DELETE request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token.
sendDeleteRequest(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a DELETE request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token.
sendDeleteRequestWithResponseCode(String, String, int) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a DELETE request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and expects a specific response code.
sendDeleteRequestWithResponseCode(String, String, int) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a DELETE request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and checks if the response code matches the expected response code.
sendGetRequest(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token.
sendGetRequest(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token.
sendGetRequestWithLinkHeader(String, String) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and returns the response body and the Link header.
sendGetRequestWithLinkHeader(String, String) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and returns the response body and the Link header.
sendGetRequestWithResponseCode(String, String, int) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and expects a specific response code.
sendGetRequestWithResponseCode(String, String, int) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a GET request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and checks if the response code matches the expected response code.
sendPatchRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
sendPatchRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a PATCH request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and JSON object.
sendPostRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a POST request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and JSON object.
sendPostRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a POST request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and JSON object.
sendPutRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Method in interface io.github.coho04.githubapi.interfaces.HttpRequestInterface
Sends a PUT request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and JSON object.
sendPutRequest(String, String, JSONObject) - Static method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.utilities.HttpRequestHelper
Sends a PUT request to the specified URL with the provided GitHub token and JSON object.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the webhook is active.
setBody(String) - Method in class
setBody(String) - Method in class
Sets the body of the project.
setBranch(GHBranch) - Method in class
Sets the branch to which the file will be committed.
setBranch(String) - Method in class
Sets the branch to which the file will be committed.
setConfigContentType(String) - Method in class
Sets the content type for the webhook config.
setConfigInsecureSSL(String) - Method in class
Sets whether SSL verification is enabled for the webhook config.
setConfigPassword(String) - Method in class
Sets the password for the webhook config.
setConfigSecret(String) - Method in class
Sets the secret for the webhook config.
setConfigURL(String) - Method in class
Sets the URL for the webhook config.
setConfigUsername(String) - Method in class
Sets the username for the webhook config.
setContent(String) - Method in class
Sets the content of the file.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description of the team.
setEvents(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the events that trigger the webhook.
setKey(String) - Method in class
Sets the key of the public key.
setMaintainers(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the maintainers of the team.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the commit message.
setMilestone(GHMilestone) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the webhook.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the project.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the team.
setNotificationSetting(String) - Method in class
Sets the notification setting of the team.
setParentTeamId(int) - Method in class
Sets the parent team id of the team.
setPath(String) - Method in class
Sets the path of the file.
setPermission(String) - Method in class
Sets the permission of the team.
setPrivacy(String) - Method in class
Sets the privacy of the team.
setRepoNames(List<String>) - Method in class
Sets the repo names of the team.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
Sets the title of the issue.
setTitle(String) - Method in class
Sets the title of the public key.


toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.ClassBase
Converts this ClassBase object to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.EntityBase
Converts this EntityBase object to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.bases.GHBase
Returns a new JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class
toJSONObject() - Method in class
Converts the current state of the builder to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class
Converts the GHProjectBuilder instance to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class
Converts the GHTeamBuilder instance to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHOrganisation
Converts this organization instance to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHPlan
Returns a JSON object representation of the GHPlan instance.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHTeam
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.GHUser
Converts this user instance to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHBranch
Converts this GHBranch instance to a JSONObject.
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHIssue
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHLicense
toJSONObject() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHMilestone
toString() - Method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Converts the enum value to a lowercase string.
toString() - Method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
Returns the string representation of the state.
toURL() - Method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType
Returns the string representation of the package type.


unfollowUser(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.SelfUser
Unfollows the user with the provided username.
updateFile() - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHFile
Creates a new GHFileBuilder instance for updating the file.
updateHomePage(String) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Updates the homepage of this repository.
updateTopics(List<String>) - Method in class io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositories.GHRepository
Updates the topics of this repository.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHPackageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class io.github.coho04.githubapi.enums.GHState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O R S T U V 
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