Uses of Package
Packages that use io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities
Classes in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities used by io.github.coho04.githubapiClassDescriptionRepresents a GitHub Security Advisory.This class represents a GitHub Gitignore Template.Represents a GitHub organization.GHProject is a class that extends ClassBase.This class represents a GitHub Public Key.Represents a GitHub user.
Classes in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities used by io.github.coho04.githubapi.buildersClassDescriptionThis class represents a GitHub Hook.GHProject is a class that extends ClassBase.This class represents a GitHub Public Key.This class represents a GitHub Team.
Classes in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities used by io.github.coho04.githubapi.entitiesClassDescriptionThis class represents a GitHub Alert.This class represents a GitHub Event.This class represents a GitHub Hook.Represents a GitHub organization.This class represents a GitHub Package.This class represents a GitHub Plan.GHProject is a class that extends ClassBase.This class represents a GitHub Public Key.This class represents a GitHub Repository Cache.Represents a GitHub secret.Represents a GitHub Action workflow step.This class represents a GitHub Team.Represents a GitHub user.Represents a GitHub variable.This class represents a GitHub Vulnerability.This class represents a GitHub Workflow Run.This class represents an HTTPS certificate.
Classes in io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities used by io.github.coho04.githubapi.entities.repositoriesClassDescriptionThis class represents a GitHub Actions Cache.This class represents a GitHub Artifact.This class represents a GitHub Event.GHProject is a class that extends ClassBase.This class represents a GitHub Public Key.Represents a GitHub Pull Request.This class represents a GitHub Repository Cache.Represents a GitHub secret.Represents a GitHub user.Represents a GitHub variable.Represents a GitHub Workflow Job.This class represents a GitHub Workflow Run.