Class GHFileBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpRequestInterface, JSONHelper

public class GHFileBuilder extends GHBase
GHFileBuilder is a class that extends GHBase. It represents a builder for creating and committing files to a GitHub repository. It contains several properties such as branch, path, content, message, and repository. These properties are initialized through the constructor and can be set using the provided setter methods.
  • Constructor Details

    • GHFileBuilder

      public GHFileBuilder(GHRepository repository, Github github)
      Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository.
      repository - a GHRepository object representing the repository to which the file will be committed.
    • GHFileBuilder

      public GHFileBuilder(GHRepository repository, GHBranch branch, Github github)
      Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository and branch.
      repository - a GHRepository object representing the repository to which the file will be committed.
      branch - a GHBranch object representing the branch to which the file will be committed.
    • GHFileBuilder

      public GHFileBuilder(GHRepository repository, Github github, String sha)
      Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object for a given repository, GitHub instance, and SHA. This constructor is typically used when updating a file, as the SHA of the file is required.
      repository - a GHRepository object representing the repository to which the file will be committed.
      github - a GitHub object representing the authenticated user's GitHub instance.
      sha - a String representing the SHA of the file to be updated.
    • GHFileBuilder

      public GHFileBuilder(GHRepository repository, GHBranch branch, String path, String content, String message, Github github)
      Constructs a new GHFileBuilder object with all properties set.
      repository - a GHRepository object representing the repository to which the file will be committed.
      branch - a GHBranch object representing the branch to which the file will be committed.
      path - a String representing the path of the file.
      content - a String representing the content of the file.
      message - a String representing the commit message.
  • Method Details

    • setBranch

      public GHFileBuilder setBranch(GHBranch branch)
      Sets the branch to which the file will be committed.
      branch - a GHBranch object representing the branch to which the file will be committed.
      the current GHFileBuilder object.
    • setBranch

      public GHFileBuilder setBranch(String branch)
      Sets the branch to which the file will be committed.
      branch - a String representing the name of the branch to which the file will be committed.
      the current GHFileBuilder object.
    • setContent

      public GHFileBuilder setContent(String content)
      Sets the content of the file.
      content - a String representing the content of the file.
      the current GHFileBuilder object.
    • setMessage

      public GHFileBuilder setMessage(String message)
      Sets the commit message.
      message - a String representing the commit message.
      the current GHFileBuilder object.
    • setPath

      public GHFileBuilder setPath(String path)
      Sets the path of the file.
      path - a String representing the path of the file.
      the current GHFileBuilder object.
    • getGithub

      public Github getGithub()
      Returns the GitHub instance associated with this file builder.
      the GitHub instance
    • getRepository

      public GHRepository getRepository()
      Returns the repository where this file will be committed.
      the GHRepository instance
    • getBranch

      public GHBranch getBranch()
      Returns the branch where this file will be committed.
      the GHBranch instance
    • getContent

      public String getContent()
      Returns the content of the file to be committed.
      the content of the file
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Returns the commit message for the file commit.
      the commit message
    • getPath

      public String getPath()
      Returns the path where the file will be committed.
      the path of the file
    • commit

      public void commit(String email, String name)
      Commits the file to the repository. This method is not yet implemented.
    • commit

      public void commit()
      Commits the file to the repository using the authenticated user's email and login as the committer's details. This method first sends a GET request to retrieve the authenticated user's email. Then, it calls the overloaded commit method with the retrieved email and the authenticated user's login.
    • getSha

      public String getSha()
      Returns the SHA of the file to be committed. The SHA is used when updating a file, as it is required to identify the file in the repository.
      the SHA of the file